Minamoto Kitchoan Singapore promises that we will take care of the personally identifiable information (Personal Information) such as name or email addresses safefully and properly as we recognize it as the corporate social responsibility with the following items.
<Purpose of Private Information usage>
We promise that we would not use the personal information of our customers for the ohter purpose except to use it to provide the useful infomation the cusotmers in order to improve our product and services.
<Collection of Private Information>
When we collect the personal information form the customers, we would clarify the purpose of the collection and we would collect only the necessary information we need.
<Providing the private information to the third party>
We would not provide or disclose the customer's personal information to the third party which are not our business partner nor the company entrusted with operations, except the rational reason such as bqsed on the law.
<Consignee Management>
In case Minamoto Kichoan has to provide the personal information to our business partners or the company entrusted with operations, we compel our contactors or business partners to make a contact/pledge in order to protect the leaking and redistribution.
<Personal Information Management>
We would keep and updete the customers' personal information and protect them from the risk such as illigal accesss, loss, destruction, manipulation, leakage of the personal information.
<Inquiry, Correction and Deletion of Personal Information>
In case customer would like to inquire, correct or delete their customers' personal information, we would handle promptly within the scope considered reasonable in consideration. We, Minamoto Kichoan, will comply with laws, regulations and other rules and will improve our private policy continuously
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to contact us as follows,
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +65 6735-1315